Unravel Behavioral Patterns And Unlock Transformative Solutions.

The main objective of ABA Therapy is to reinforce and encourage positive behaviors. All behavior analytic interventions are designed to improve socially important behaviors using techniques based on the principles of learning theory and that have been evaluated in experiments using reliable and objective measurement. Behavior analysis techniques are implemented to increase language and communication skills, improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics, and decrease problem behaviors. Behavior analysis is showing to be effective in a wide variety of areas, including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Disabilities, parent training, substance abuse treatment, dementia management, brain injury rehabilitation, occupational safety intervention, among others. Behavior analysis seeks to identify how changes in the environment that occur as a function of a behavior occurring relates to the occurrence or non-occurrence of that behavior in the future. It looks to identify functional relations between these two variables (behavior and its consequences). Analyses of behavior are conducted using the Operant Learning Paradigm. This is commonly described as the ABC’s or Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence, but the more technically correct term is the Stimulus-Response-Consequence (SRC) paradigm. We offer ABA Therapy, Autism Information, Early Intervention, Home-Based and Center-Based Therapy, Educational Support, and In-Home Consultation.

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